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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Target 9.1

Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.

Impact of stakeholders

We make a significant contribution to the development of infrastructure in the regions of our presence.

Management approach

Our Company does everything possible to achieve sustainable development in all regions of the Company’s presence. We contribute to the development of local communities through our value chain, as well as through the creation of new employment opportunities, a healthy lifestyle, infrastructure development and implementation of social investment programmes.

Contribution To resolve this task, our Company:

develops railway and sea port infrastructure;

contributes to the development of local communities through our value chain;

applies the best available technologies and environmental impact monitoring systems in the regions of its presence;

creates new opportunities for employment and implementation of social investment programmes;

makes a significant contribution to the development of regional infrastructure, uses up-to-date technologies allowing to reduce emissions and water pollution.

GRI 201
Economic Performance
GRI 203
Indirect Economic Impact
Commitments and Targets By the year 2025:

increase the carrying capacity of railway infrastructure to 28.3 million tonnes/year;

change the car fleet structure to favor own innovative rolling stock.

More detailed information about the implementation of the relevant strategic goals of the Company is presented in the Integrated Reports.

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