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PhosAgro is committed to striking an effective and reasonable balance between the payment of dividends and reinvestment of profit in further development. Higher transparency and predictability of dividend payments are a priority for the company seeking to strengthen its investment case.

Dividend Policy

The decision on dividend distributions, their terms and amounts is made at the General Shareholders’ Meeting on the basis of recommendations by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors’ recommendations depend on such factors as the Company’s earnings for the reporting period and its financial position. Holders of PhosAgro GDRs are also entitled to receive dividends in respect of the underlying shares, subject to the terms of their Depositary Agreements.

PhosAgro’s dividend policy

Dividend payments

To calculate the amount of dividend payments, the Board of Directors considers the Company’s consolidated free cash flow for the reporting period (quarter, six months, first nine months or year) under IFRS.

Dividend history

Quarter Total declared dividends, RUB m Dividend per GDR, RUB Dividend per share, RUB Declaration date Date of record
3Q24 16 317 42 126 11.12.2024 22.12.2024
2Q24 15 151,5 39 117 11.09.2024 22.09.2024
4Q23-1Q24 40 015,5 103 309 30.06.2024 11.07.2024
2-3Q23 37 684,5 97 291 14.12.2023 25.12.2023
1Q23 34 188 88 264 30.06.2023 11.07.2023
4Q22 60 217,5 155 465 24.03.2023 04.04.2023
3Q22 41 181 106 318 08.12.2022 19.12.2022
4Q21 - 1H22 101 010 260 780 21.09.2022 03.10.2022
3Q21 30 303 78 234 08.12.2021 20.12.2021
2Q21 20 202 52 156 13.09.2021 24.09.2021
1Q21 13 598 35 105 22.06.2021 05.07.2021
4Q20 8 159 21 63 25.05.2021 07.06.2021
3Q20 15 929 41 123 13.11.2020 25.12.2020
2Q20 4 274 11 33 30.09.2020 15.10.2020
1Q20 10 101 26 78 19.06.2020 06.07.2020
4Q19 2 331 6 18 27.05.2020 02.06.2020
3Q19 6 216 16 48 24.01.2020 04.02.2020
2Q19 6 993 18 54 04.10.2019 15.10.2019
1Q19 9 324 24 72 24.06.2019 10.07.2019
4Q18 6 605 17 51 24.05.2019 10.06.2019
3Q18 9 324 24 72 22.01.2019 04.02.2019
2Q18 5 828 15 45 01.10.2018 12.10.2018
1Q18 3 108 8 24 06.07.2018 23.07.2018
4Q17 1 943 5 15 30.05.2018 13.06.2018
3Q17 2 720 7 21 26.02.2018 12.03.2018
2Q17 3 108 8 24 02.10.2017 13.10.2017
1Q17 2 720 7 21 05.07.2017 17.07.2017
4Q16 3 885 10 30 30.05.2017 13.06.2017
3Q16 5 051 13 39 16.01.2017 27.01.2017
2Q16 4 274 11 33 03.10.2016 14.10.2016
1Q16 8 159 21 63 29.07.2016 10.08.2016
4Q15 7 382 19 57 31.05.2016 11.06.2016
3Q15 8 159 21 63 15.01.2016 26.01.2016
2Q15 7 381 19 57 06.10.2015 17.10.2015
1Q15 6 216 16 48 14.07.2015 25.07.2015
4Q14 1 940 5 15 08.06.2015 19.06.2015
3Q14 2 590 6.7 20 31.12.2014 11.01.2015
2Q14 3 238 8.3 25.0 16.09.2014 29.09.2014
1Q14 0 0
4Q13 2 499 6.4 19.3 13.06.2014 24.06.2014
3Q13 0 0
2Q13 2 001 5.2 15.5 12.10.2013 06.09.2013
1Q13 0 0
4Q12 2 477 6.4 19.1 10.06.2013 22.04.2013
3Q12 3 112 8 24 29.12.2012 23.11.2012
2Q12 4 730 12.2 36.5 28.09.2012 22.08.2012
1Q12 0 0
4Q11 4 045 10.4 31.2 30.05.2012 18.04.2012
3Q11 3 112 8 24 01.12.2011 26.10.2011
2Q11 0 0
1Q11 0 0

Dividend information for tax agents

Type and date of the general shareholder`s meeting at which the decision to declare dividends was made Reporting period for which (at the end of which) the declared dividends are paid (were paid) Total amount of declared dividends, rub. Declared dividends per
ordinary share, rub depositary receipt, rub
EGSM 11.09.2024 6M 2024 15 151 500 000 117,00 39,00
AGSM 30.06.2024 1Q 2024 1 942 500 000 15,00 5,00
2023 38 073 000 000 294,00 98,00
EGSM 14.12.2023 9M 2023 37 684 500 000 291,00 97,00
EGSM 30.09.2023 the decision on the payment of dividends has not been made
EGSM 30.06.2023 1Q 2023 34 188 000 000 216,00 72,00
-* 48,00 16,00
AGSM 24.03.2023 2022 60 217 500 000 465,00 155,00
EGSM 08.12.2022 9M 2022 41 181 000 000 318,00 106,00
EGSM 21.09.2022  -* 101 010 000 000 780,00 260,00
AGSM 30.06.2022  the decision on the payment of dividends has not been made
EGSM 08.12.2021  -* 30 303 000 000 234,00 78,00
EGSM 08.12.2021  -* 30 303 000 000 234,00 78,00
EGSM 13.09.2021  -* 20 202 000 000 156,00 52,00
EGSM 22.06.2021  -* 13 597 500 000 105,00 35,00
AGSM 25.05.2021  -* 8 158 500 000 63,00 21,00
AGSM 25.05.2021  -* 8 158 500 000 63,00 21,00
EGSM 14.12.2020  -* 15 928 500 000 123,00 41,00
EGSM 30.09.2020  -* 4 273 500 000 33,00 11,00
EGSM 19.06.2020  -* 10 101 000 000 78,00 26,00
AGSM 22.05.2020  -* 2 331 000 000 18,00 6,00
EGSM 24.01.2020  -* 6 216 000 000 48,00 16,00
EGSM 04.10.2019  -* 6 993 000 000 54,00 18,00
EGSM 24.06.2019  -* 9 324 000 000 72,00 24,00
AGSM 24.05.2019  -* 6 604 500 000 51,00 17,00
EGSM 22.01.2019  -* 9 324 000 000 72,00 24,00
EGSM 01.10.2018  -* 5 827 500 000 45,00 15,00
EGSM 06.07.2018  -* 3 108 000 000 24,00 8,00
AGSM 30.05.2018  -* 1 942 500 000 15,00 5,00
EGSM 26.02.2018  -* 2 719 500 000 21,00 7,00
EGSM 02.10.2017  -* 3 108 000 000 24,00 8,00
EGSM 05.07.2017  -* 2 719 500 000 21,00 7,00
AGSM 30.05.2017  2016 3 885 000 000 30,00 10,00
EGSM 16.01.2017  -* 5 050 500 000 39,00 13,00
EGSM 03.10.2016  -* 4 273 500 000 33,00 11,00
EGSM 29.07.2016  -* 8 158 500 000 63,00 21,00
AGSM 31.05.2016  2015 7 381 500 000 57,00 19,00
EGSM 15.01.2016  -* 8 158 500 000 63,00 21,00
EGSM 06.10.2015  -* 7 381 500 000 57,00 19,00
EGSM 14.07.2015  -* 6 216 000 000 48,00 16,00
AGSM 08.06.2015  2014 1 942 500 000 15,00 5,00
EGSM 31.12.2014  9M 2014  2 590 000 000 20,00 6,67
EGSM 16.09.2014  6M 2014  3 237 500 000 25,00 8,33
AGSM 13.06.2014  -* 2 499 350 000 19,30 6,43

*Dividends were paid from earnings retained over the previous years