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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 6

Clean Water and Sanitation

Target 6.1

By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.

Impact of stakeholders

Our Company has a direct impact on the volume of water consumption. We have a responsible approach to water resources consumption and systematically reduce the impact on natural ecosystems.

Management approach

Our Company has built an environmental management system. The environmental management system covers all the principal management levels, production stages, from development to output of products, and establishes uniform requirements for the operations management of the Company’s enterprises. In 2020, the Company developed a  Water Strategy, under which a programme for reducing water intake and wastewater discharge was adopted.

Contribution To resolve this task, our Company:

through investments in the construction of new water treatment facilities and the use of advanced technologies in the field of wastewater treatment, in particular, a multi-stage wastewater treatment process that includes mechanical and biological wastewater treatment stages, which is important for chemical industries, relieves the load on the water body and creates an infrastructure that meets environmental requirements and sanitary standards;

continuously supports projects aimed at reproducing aquatic biological resources, volunteer activities, for example, cleaning the shores of water reservoirs.

GRI 303
Water and Effluents
Commitments and Targets

To improve the efficiency in water use management, the Water Strategy of PJSC PhosAgro 2020–2025, was developed in 2020, with the following main goals:

increasing water use efficiency;

ensuring high-quality reporting and a reliable basis for determining water intake and consumption, wastewater discharge targets;

at the Company level, developing a culture of responsible use of water resources and prudent treatment of water bodies as an integral part of habitats and engaging all the company’s personnel in achieving these goals.

In implementing the scheduled measures by the year 2025, it is possible to reduce water intake to 5.16 m3/t from 7.29 m3/t (in 2018).

More detailed information on water resources is presented in the data book and Integrated Reports.

Target 6.3

By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recycling and safe reuse globally.

Impact of stakeholders

Our Company has both direct and indirect impact on discharges that can lead to contamination of surface and ground waters, soil, as well as affect the functioning of the ecosystem.

Management approach

Our Company has built an  environmental management system. The environmental management system covers all the principal management levels, production stages, from development to output of products, and establishes uniform requirements for the operations management of the Company’s enterprises. In 2020, the Company developed a Water Strategy, in which a programme for reducing water intake and wastewater discharge was adopted.

Contribution To resolve this task, our Company:

continuously monitors the level of environmental impacts and improves its operations in order to reduce these impacts and save resources;

strives to achieve the highest possible level of production culture through the introduction of the state-of-the-art products of the best available technologies (BAT) and technical solutions;

compiles a list of wastewater discharge reduction projects for implementation within the Water Strategy and assessment of specific indicators of wastewater discharge, taking into account the Strategy measures.

GRI 303
Water and Effluents
GRI 306
Effluents and Waste
Commitments and Targets By the year 2025:

reduce the specific volumes of wastewater discharge to 4.16 m3/t;

Reduce the specific rate of water intake to 5.16 m3/t;

implement the Action Plan within the Water Strategy.

More detailed information on water intake and wastewater discharge is presented in the data book and Integrated Reports.

Other goals