By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries.
We contribute, both directly and indirectly, to the development of infrastructure and demographic changes in the regions of our presence.

The company has built a social investments and charitable activities management system. The budget of charitable projects is formed annually as part of a single budget planning process and is approved by the Company’s Management Board. It is important to note that most of the projects are implemented by the Company in partnership, based on the principles of co-financing. Thus, a higher level of involvement by the public, local government bodies and the business community is achieved, the principles of partnership are implemented.
New projects are brought before the Company’s Management Board for review per the procedure established by internal regulations. Every year, the Management Board hears a report on the results of activities in this area and adopts a decision as to further support or termination of work for each programme and project.
creates a comfortable environment for the life of the company’s employees and their families, as well as for all residents of the cities of its presence, by allocating funds for the construction of housing and social infrastructure facilities.
Annual agreements on socio-economic partnership in the regions of presence between the Government of the relevant region and the company of the Group include the Company’s obligations to promote the socio-economic development of the region:
ensuring efficient development of production in order to increase revenues of the consolidated budget of the region;
joint financing of measures aimed at developing the social infrastructure, including the following areas: healthcare; culture, education, sports; large infrastructure facilities in the field of social orientation and development of a tourist cluster;
providing support for the municipalities of the region;
holding other social events.
Each agreement includes the deadlines for the activities and the budget for their implementation.
More detailed information about all main results of the Company’s activities in the area of developing regions of presence is presented in the