Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) — is widely used as a component for the production of synthetic detergents, water treatment, as well as in the ceramic, paint, varnish and other industries. We produce 15 technical STPP grades of powder and granular type.
For complete product specification, information on other produced grades and the purchase of sodium tripolyphosphate, please send your inquiry to
Comparative characteristics of the primary STPP grades:
Powder grades (PW)
Rate of hydration
Standard (SP)
SP 0-10
SP 25-40
SP 40-55
Phosphorus (P2O5)
Medium (MP)
MP 16-28
MP 25-40
High (HP or RP)
HP 25-40
RP 40-55
Granular grades (GR)
Phosphorus (P2O5)
When producing synthetic detergents, STPP is usually added to the pulp.
STPP with a high rate of hydration is preferable to use on modern equipment due to a shorter period of reaction with water, which is required for powerful high-speed mixers. On other equipment, it is recommended to use STPP with medium and/or low rate of hydration, which avoids the formation of lumps in the detergent slurry.
Manufacturer Information
The only manufacturer of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) in Russia is PhosAgro subsidiary Volkhov branch of JSC Apatit. The production site is located in Volkhov, the Leningrad Region, which is in proximity to the St. Petersburg seaport. An extensive road network and a large railway junction make it easy to ship STPP to customers around the world.
High quality feedstock
Apatite concentrate used in the STPP production process is mined by PhosAgro at the Kirov branch of JSC Apatit. The company extracts one of the purest natural materials in the world, which is of magmatic origin and is characterized by its high phosphorus content and very low levels of heavy metals. The use of phosphate rock from apatite mined at the Khibiny deposits contributes to the production of the highest quality products.
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